

Arnold, Benjamin William, 1870- ; Speirs, Frederic W. ; Neill, Charles Patrick, 1865-1942 ; Reizenstein, Milton ; Rutter, Frank R. ; Chapman, James Wilkinson ; Sherwood, Sidney, 1860-1901
出版情報: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1897
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 15 (=15th series)
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目次情報: 続きを見る
History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894 by B.W. Arnold
The street reilway system of Philadelphia : its history and present condition by Frederic W. Speirs
Daniel Raymond : an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United States by Charles Patrick Neill
The economic history of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, 1827-1853 by Milton Reizenstein
South American trade of Baltimore by Frank R. Rutter
State tax commissions in the United States by James Wilkinson Chapman
Tendencies in American economic thought by Sidney Sherwood
History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894 by B.W. Arnold
The street reilway system of Philadelphia : its history and present condition by Frederic W. Speirs
Daniel Raymond : an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United States by Charles Patrick Neill


Mikkelsen, Michael A. ; Lauer, Paul E. ; Petrie, George ; Weeks, Stephen Beauregard ; Black, J. William ; Applegarth, Albert C. ; Adams, Herbert B. ; Wood, Henry ; Woodburn, James A.
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1892
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 10 (=10th series)
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The Bishop Hill Colony : a religious communistic settlement in Henry County, Illinois by Michael A. Mikkelsen
Church and state in New England by Paul E. Lauer
Church and state in early Maryland George Petrie
The religious development in the province of North Carolina by Stephen Beauregard Weeks
Maryland's attitude in the struggle for Canada by J. William Black
Quakers in Pennsylvania by Albert C. Applegarth
Columbus and his discovery of America by Herbert B. Adams and Henry Wood
Causes of the American Revolution by James A. Woodburn
The Bishop Hill Colony : a religious communistic settlement in Henry County, Illinois by Michael A. Mikkelsen
Church and state in New England by Paul E. Lauer
Church and state in early Maryland George Petrie


Gould, E. R. L. (Elgin Ralston Lovell), 1860-1915 ; Alden, Edmund K. ; Ingle, Edward ; Weeks, Stephen Beauregard ; Bentley, Arthur Fisher, 1870-1957 ; Steiner, Bernard C.(Bernard Christian), 1867-1926 ; Bemis, Edward W. ; Haynes, John
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1893
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 11 (=11th series)
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The social condition of Labor by E.R.L. Gould
The world's representative assemblies of to-day : a study in comparative legislation by Edmund K. Alden
The Negro in the district of Columbia by Edward Ingle
Church and state in North Carolina by Stephen Beauregard Weeks
The condition of the western farmer as illustrated by the economic history of a Nebraska township Arthur F. Bentley
History of slavery in Connecticut by Bernard C. Steiner
Local government in the south and the southwest by Edward W. Bemis and students inVanderbilt University
Popular election of U.S. senators by John Haynes
The social condition of Labor by E.R.L. Gould
The world's representative assemblies of to-day : a study in comparative legislation by Edmund K. Alden
The Negro in the district of Columbia by Edward Ingle


Hollander, Jacob Harry, 1871-1940 ; Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928 ; McIlwaine, Henry R. ; Hughson, Shirley Carter ; Haynes, George H. ; James, James Alton, 1864-1962 ; Reeves, Jesse Siddall
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1894
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 12 (=12th series)
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The Cincinnati southern railway : a study in municipal activity by J. H. Hollander
The constitutional beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729) by John Spencer Bassett
The struggle of Protestant Dissenters for Religious Toleration in Virginia by Henry R. Mcllwaine
The Carolina pirates and colonial commerce, 1670-1740 Shirley Carter Hughson
Representation and suffrage in Massachusetts, 1620-1691 by George H. Haynes
English institutions and the American Indian by James Alton James
The international beginnings of the Congo free state by Jesse Siddall Reeves
The Cincinnati southern railway : a study in municipal activity by J. H. Hollander
The constitutional beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729) by John Spencer Bassett
The struggle of Protestant Dissenters for Religious Toleration in Virginia by Henry R. Mcllwaine


Whitney, Edson L. ; Latané, John H. ; Moran, Thomas Francis ; Ballagh, James Curtis ; Hunt, Rockwell Dennis ; Wetzel, W. A. ; Silver, John Archer ; Hendren, Samuel Rivers
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1895
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 13(=13th series)
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Government of the colony of South Carolina by Edson L. Whitney
The early relations between Maryland and Virginia by John H. Latané
The rise and development of the bicameral system in America by Thomas Francis Moran
White servitude in the colony of Virgnia : a study of the system of indentured labor in the American colonies by James Curtis Ballagh
The genesis of California's first constitution (1846-49) by Rockwell Dennis Hunt
Benjamin Franklin as an economist by W.A. Wetzel
The provisional government of Maryland (1774-1777) by John Archer Silver
Government and religion of the Virginia Indians by Samuel Rivers Hendren
Government of the colony of South Carolina by Edson L. Whitney
The early relations between Maryland and Virginia by John H. Latané
The rise and development of the bicameral system in America by Thomas Francis Moran


editor, Herbert B. Adams
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1890
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 8
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editor, Herbert B. Adams
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1891
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 9
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editor, Herbert B. Adams
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1898
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 16
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editor, Herbert B. Adams
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1899
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 17
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