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Freeman, Edward Augustus, 1823-1892 ; Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1850-1901 ; Shaw, Albert, 1857-1947 ; Bemis, Edward Webster, 1860-1930 ; Ingle, Edward ; Johnson, John ; Johnston, Alexander ; Ramage, B. J.
出版情報: Baltimore : Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, N. Murray, 1883
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 1 (1st series)
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An introduction to American Institutional history by Edward A. Freeman
The Germanic origin of New England towns by Herbert B. Adams
Local government in Illinois by Albert Shaw
Saxon Tithingmen in America by Herbert B. Adams
Local government in Michigan and the Northwest by Edward W. Bemis
Parish institutions of Maryland by Edward Ingle
Old Maryland manors by John Johnson
Norman constables in America by Herbert B. Adams
Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem by Herbert B. Adams
The genesis of a New England State by Alexander Johnston
Local Government and free schools in South Carolina by B.J. Ramage
An introduction to American Institutional history by Edward A. Freeman
The Germanic origin of New England towns by Herbert B. Adams
Local government in Illinois by Albert Shaw


Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1850-1901 ; Ely, Richard Theodore, 1854-1943 ; Hosmer, James Kendall, 1834-1927 ; Adams, Henry Carter, 1851-1921 ; Macy, Jesse, 1842-1919 ; Weeden, William B. (William Babcock), 1834-1912 ; Channing, Edward, 1856-1931 ; Johnson, John ; Shinn, Charles Howard, 1852-1924
出版情報: Baltimore : Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, N. Murray, 1884
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 2 (2nd series)
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Methods of historical study by Herbert B. Adams
The past and the present of political economy by Richard T. Ely
Samuel Adams, the man of the town-meeting by James K. Hosmer
Taxation in the United States by Henry Carter Adams
Institutional beginnings in a western state by Jesse Macy
Indian money as a factor in New England civilization by William B. Weeden
Town and county government in the English colonies of North America by Edward Channing
Rudimentary society among boys by John Johnson
Land laws of Mining Districts by Charles Howard Shinn
Methods of historical study by Herbert B. Adams
The past and the present of political economy by Richard T. Ely
Samuel Adams, the man of the town-meeting by James K. Hosmer


Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1850-1901 ; Ingle, Edward ; Ely, Richard Theodore, 1854-1943 ; Wilhelm, Lewis W. ; Scott, Austin ; Davis, Horace, 1831-1916 ; Porter, John Addison
出版情報: Baltimore : Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, N. Murray, 1885
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 3 (3rd series)
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Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the United States by Herbert B. Adams
Local institutions of Virginia by Edward Ingle
Recent American socialism by Richard T. Ely
Local institutions of Maryland by Lewis W. Wilhelm
Influence of the proprietors in founding the State of the New Jersey by Austin Scott
American Constitutions by Horace Davis
City of Washington, its origin and administration by John Addison Porter
Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the United States by Herbert B. Adams
Local institutions of Virginia by Edward Ingle
Recent American socialism by Richard T. Ely


Allinson, Edward P. ; Adams, Henry Carter, 1851-1921 ; Bugbee, James M. ; Bourinot, John George, Sir, 1837-1902 ; Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947 ; Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922 ; Frédéricq, Paul, 1850-1920 ; Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1850-1901 ; White, Andrew Dickson, 1832-1918
出版情報: Baltimore : Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, N. Murray, 1887
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 5 (5th series)
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City government of Philadelphia by Edward P. Allinson
City government of Boston by James M. Bugbee
City government of St. Louis by Marshall S. Snow
Local government in Canada by John George Bourinot
The influence of the war of 1812 upon the consolidation of the American Union by Nicholas Murray Butler
Notes on the literature of charities by Herbert B. Adams
The predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville by James Bryce
The study of history in England and Scotland by Paul Fredericq
Seminary libraries and university extension by Herbert B. Adams
European schools of history and politics by Andrew D. White
City government of Philadelphia by Edward P. Allinson
City government of Boston by James M. Bugbee
City government of St. Louis by Marshall S. Snow


Bemis, Edward Webster, 1860-1930 ; Shaw, Albert, 1857-1947 ; Warner, Amos Griswold, 1861-1900 ; Shinn, Charles Howard, 1852-1924 ; Randall, Daniel R.
出版情報: Baltimore : The Auspices of the Johns Hopkins University : N. Murray, 1888
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 6 (6th series)
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Coöperation in New England by Edward W. Bemis
Coöperation in the Middle States by Edward W. Bemis
Coöperation in the Northwest by Albert Shaw
Three phases of coöperation in the west by Amos G. Warner
Coöperation on the Pacific coast by Charles Howard Shinn
Coöperation in Maryland and the South by Daniel R. Randall
Coöperation in New England by Edward W. Bemis
Coöperation in the Middle States by Edward W. Bemis
Coöperation in the Northwest by Albert Shaw


Arnold, Benjamin William, 1870- ; Speirs, Frederic W. ; Neill, Charles Patrick, 1865-1942 ; Reizenstein, Milton ; Rutter, Frank R. ; Chapman, James Wilkinson ; Sherwood, Sidney, 1860-1901
出版情報: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1897
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 15 (=15th series)
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History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894 by B.W. Arnold
The street reilway system of Philadelphia : its history and present condition by Frederic W. Speirs
Daniel Raymond : an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United States by Charles Patrick Neill
The economic history of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, 1827-1853 by Milton Reizenstein
South American trade of Baltimore by Frank R. Rutter
State tax commissions in the United States by James Wilkinson Chapman
Tendencies in American economic thought by Sidney Sherwood
History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894 by B.W. Arnold
The street reilway system of Philadelphia : its history and present condition by Frederic W. Speirs
Daniel Raymond : an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United States by Charles Patrick Neill


Mikkelsen, Michael A. ; Lauer, Paul E. ; Petrie, George ; Weeks, Stephen Beauregard ; Black, J. William ; Applegarth, Albert C. ; Adams, Herbert B. ; Wood, Henry ; Woodburn, James A.
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1892
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 10 (=10th series)
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The Bishop Hill Colony : a religious communistic settlement in Henry County, Illinois by Michael A. Mikkelsen
Church and state in New England by Paul E. Lauer
Church and state in early Maryland George Petrie
The religious development in the province of North Carolina by Stephen Beauregard Weeks
Maryland's attitude in the struggle for Canada by J. William Black
Quakers in Pennsylvania by Albert C. Applegarth
Columbus and his discovery of America by Herbert B. Adams and Henry Wood
Causes of the American Revolution by James A. Woodburn
The Bishop Hill Colony : a religious communistic settlement in Henry County, Illinois by Michael A. Mikkelsen
Church and state in New England by Paul E. Lauer
Church and state in early Maryland George Petrie


Elting, Irving ; Foster, William E. ; Channing, Edward, 1856-1931 ; Holcomb, William P. ; Jameson, J. Franklin ; Randall, Daniel R. ; Sato, Shosuke ; Levermore, Charles H. (Charles Herbert), 1856-1927 ; Egleston, Melville
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University, 1886
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 4 (4th series)
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Dutch village communities on the Hudson river by Irving Elting
Town government in Rhode Island by William E. Foster
The Narragansett Planters : a study of causes by Edward Channing
Pennsylvania boroughs by William P. Holcomb
An introduction to the study of the constitutional and political history of the states by J. Franklin Jameson
A Puritan colony in Maryland by Daniel R. Randall
History of the land question in the United States by Shosuke Sato
The town and city government of New Haven by Charles H.Levermore
The land system of the New England colonies by Melville Egleston
Dutch village communities on the Hudson river by Irving Elting
Town government in Rhode Island by William E. Foster
The Narragansett Planters : a study of causes by Edward Channing


Gould, E. R. L. (Elgin Ralston Lovell), 1860-1915 ; Alden, Edmund K. ; Ingle, Edward ; Weeks, Stephen Beauregard ; Bentley, Arthur Fisher, 1870-1957 ; Steiner, Bernard C.(Bernard Christian), 1867-1926 ; Bemis, Edward W. ; Haynes, John
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1893
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 11 (=11th series)
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The social condition of Labor by E.R.L. Gould
The world's representative assemblies of to-day : a study in comparative legislation by Edmund K. Alden
The Negro in the district of Columbia by Edward Ingle
Church and state in North Carolina by Stephen Beauregard Weeks
The condition of the western farmer as illustrated by the economic history of a Nebraska township Arthur F. Bentley
History of slavery in Connecticut by Bernard C. Steiner
Local government in the south and the southwest by Edward W. Bemis and students inVanderbilt University
Popular election of U.S. senators by John Haynes
The social condition of Labor by E.R.L. Gould
The world's representative assemblies of to-day : a study in comparative legislation by Edmund K. Alden
The Negro in the district of Columbia by Edward Ingle


Hollander, Jacob Harry, 1871-1940 ; Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928 ; McIlwaine, Henry R. ; Hughson, Shirley Carter ; Haynes, George H. ; James, James Alton, 1864-1962 ; Reeves, Jesse Siddall
出版情報: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1894
シリーズ名: The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; v. 12 (=12th series)
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目次情報: 続きを見る
The Cincinnati southern railway : a study in municipal activity by J. H. Hollander
The constitutional beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729) by John Spencer Bassett
The struggle of Protestant Dissenters for Religious Toleration in Virginia by Henry R. Mcllwaine
The Carolina pirates and colonial commerce, 1670-1740 Shirley Carter Hughson
Representation and suffrage in Massachusetts, 1620-1691 by George H. Haynes
English institutions and the American Indian by James Alton James
The international beginnings of the Congo free state by Jesse Siddall Reeves
The Cincinnati southern railway : a study in municipal activity by J. H. Hollander
The constitutional beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729) by John Spencer Bassett
The struggle of Protestant Dissenters for Religious Toleration in Virginia by Henry R. Mcllwaine