

Hector Berlioz
出版情報: New York, N.Y. : Kalmus, [19--]
シリーズ名: Kalmus study scores ; no. 1231-1236
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S. Rachmaninoff
出版情報: London : Boosey & Hawkes, c1947
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目次情報: 続きを見る
vol. 1. Op. 4 no. 1-6. "Oh stay, my love, forsake me not!"
Morning ("I love thee well!")
In the silent ninght ("When silent night doch hold me")
"Oh, never sing to me again"
The harvest of sorrow
"So many bours, so many fancies"
Op. 8 no. 1-6. The water lily ("From reeds on the river")
"Like blossom dew-freshen'd to gladness"
Brooding ("The days in turn pass all to soon")
The Soldier's wife ("For a life of pain I have giv'n my love")
A dream (My native land I once enjoyed")
A prayer ("Oh Lord of grace!")
Op. 14 no 1-12. "I wait for thee"
The little Island
"How few the joys"
"I came to her"
Midsummer nights
"The world would see thee smile"
"Believe it not"
"O, do not grieve"
"As fair as day in blaze of noon"
Love's flame ("Within my soul")
Spring waters ("Tho' still the fields are white with snow")
"Tis time!"
Op. 21 no. 1-12. Fate (suggested by Beethoven's fifth symphonie)
By the grave ("In gloom of night")
Twilight ("Alone and lost in dreams")
The answer (Guitare) ("They wonder'd a while")
The lilacs ("At the red of the dawn")
Loneliness ("Oh! heart of mine")
"How fair this spot!"
On the death of a linnet
Before the image
"No prophet I"
Sorrow in Springtime
vol. 2. Op. 26 no. 1-15. The heart's secret
"All once I gladly owned"
"Come, let us rest!"
Two partings. A dialogue
"Beloved, let us fly"
"Christ is risen"
To the children
"Thy pity I implore"
Let me rest here alone!
"Before my window"
The fountains
"Night is mournful"
"When yesterday we met"
The ring
"All things depart"
Op. 34 no. 1-14. The muse
The soul's concealment
The storm
"Day to night comparing went the wind her way"
The raising of Lazarus ("O Lord of heaven!")
"So dread a fate I'll ne'er believe"
The poet ("You knew him well")
The morn of life ("The hour I mind me")
"With holy banner firmly held"
"What wealth of rapture"
Vocalise (without words)
Op. 38 no. 1-6. "In my garden at ningt"
To her
Daisies (Margaritki)
The pied piper
"A-Oo" (The quest)
vol. 1. Op. 4 no. 1-6. "Oh stay, my love, forsake me not!"
Morning ("I love thee well!")
In the silent ninght ("When silent night doch hold me")


Dvořák ; Gedichte von Gustava Pflegera-Moravského ; Deutsch von O. Malybrok-Stieler ; English text by John P. Morgan
出版情報: London ; Hamburg : N. Simrock, c1889
シリーズ名: Elite edition ; 769
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scelta, revisione ed elaborazione di Maffeo Zanon ; versione ritmica inglese di Geoffrey Dunn
出版情報: Milano : Ricordi, c1959
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Se l'aura spira = Charmed by the breezes Frescobaldi, G
Dissertstevi a me = Haste and open for me Cavali, F
Sei pur bello = You are charming Sartorio, A
Non e'èce dire, la voglio così = 'Tis not but talking, I mean what I say Legrenzi, G
Amore, ti sento ch'al varco m'attendi = Great Cupid, I know thou art lying in ambuch to track me Freschi, G
Luci vezzose = Eyes most enchanting Stradella, A
Non so come l'alma mia = How can this? Death doth spurn me Agostini (Augutini), P.S.
Non amo, ma bramo = I'm heart-free, but must see Ziani, M.A
Agitato il cor mi sento = Storms of grief my heart are swaying Scarlatti, A
Piange il fiore e geme il prato = Flowers are weeping and fields lamenting Lotti, A
Vaghe luci = Eyes of beauty Caldara, A
Se mi diccessi, o vaga = If you should tell me, my treasure Della Ciara, B
Mentre il cor si stilla in pianto = While my heart distils in weeping Mancini, F
Pastorella, sepra, sepra = Trust your chances, shifting, turning Bononcini, M.A
Estinguere vorrei = Oh, fain would I extinguish Vivaldi, A
Venticel, che sussurrando = Gentile breeze, sweet petals strewing Astorga, E
Ne la stagion dei fiori = Once in the budding springtime Marcello, A
O povereo mio pianto = Oh tears, who could deceive me Marcello, B
Mio cor, non sospirar = My heart, sigh not again Giacomelli, G
Ch'io ma vi possa lasciar d'amare = Could I ever cease to be your dear lover Porpora, N
Molto vuoi, troppo mi chiedi = Much dost thou, too much implore me Feo, F
Rendimi figlio mio = Give him back, my son restore me Leo, L
Donzelle semplici = You maids all innocent Logroscino, N
Sospiri, sì = Oh yes, I sigh Miniscalchi, G
Chi un dolce amor condanna = Let him who frowns on Cupid Duni, E.R
Ove tu, ben mio, non sei = When thou art nont with me, my treasure Pergolesi, G
Sgombra dall'anima tutto il timor = Cast out all fear and all terror from your heart Latilla, G
Un'aura soave = A sweet breath of vengeance Jommeli, N
Vedermi corteggiare = To see myself denying Da Capua, R
Parti dagli occhi miei = Out of my sight for ever Traetta, T
Son tenera di pasta = I'm soft and sentimental Piccini, N
Serena il bel ciglio = Be patient and take comfort Sarti, G
Tu mi rendi e sposa e trono = You resotre me my bride and kingdom Sacchini, A
Sai quqnti m'ha detto = How many habe told me Piasiello, G
Se mi piace il mio contino = If my darling count delights me Cimarosa, D
S'a me non vieni, s'a me no torni= If thou dost leave me, then I beseech thee Magini, F
Se l'aura spira = Charmed by the breezes Frescobaldi, G
Dissertstevi a me = Haste and open for me Cavali, F
Sei pur bello = You are charming Sartorio, A


scelta, revisione ed elaborazione di Maffeo Zanon ; deustche Uebersetzungen von Carl Stueber ; English translations by Geoffrey Dunn
出版情報: Milano : Ricordi, c1953
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Ah, che non ho più lagrime = Ach, dass ich nicht mehr Tränen fand = Ah, had I yet more tears to shed Pancrazio Aniello
Un di la bella Clori = Schön Chloris trieb mit Amor = One day with Cupid playing Carlo Cesarini
Vieni omai, deh, vieni, o morte = Komm, o Tod, und mache ein Ende = Come, oh death, in mercy forgiving Marco Antonio Cesti
Quel d'amore è un certo male : (dall'opera "Amalasunta") = Ist die Liebe ein grosses Uebel = Love's fond fever is teasing torment Fortunato Chelleri
Se mi portate affetto = Bist du mir gut von Herzen = If you have ever borne me Vincenzo Ciampi
Si può rimirar = Erlaubt ist der Blick = My heart only sighs Bernardo Gaffi
È pena troppo barbara : (dall'opera "Antigono") = Zu wissen dass das Ende naht = Too cruel is the bitter pain Baldassare Galuppi
Voi, amanti, che vedete = Ihr, Verliebte, die ihr sehet = All you lovers, look upon me Felice Giardini
O pargoletto arciero = O Büblein mit dem Bogen = O Cupid, baby bowman Bernardo Pasquini
Dove mi spingi, Amor : (dall'opera "Il Palagio d'Atlante") = Wo drängt mich Liebe hin = Where will you drive me, love Luigi Rossi
Tace il labro = Wortlos die Lippe = Silent and speechless Domenico Sarri
Fa così lodoletta che fuggì : (dall'opera "Peleo") = Mach es so, wie die Lerche tat, die floh = There on high does the little skylark fly Leonardo Vinci
Ah, che non ho più lagrime = Ach, dass ich nicht mehr Tränen fand = Ah, had I yet more tears to shed Pancrazio Aniello
Un di la bella Clori = Schön Chloris trieb mit Amor = One day with Cupid playing Carlo Cesarini
Vieni omai, deh, vieni, o morte = Komm, o Tod, und mache ein Ende = Come, oh death, in mercy forgiving Marco Antonio Cesti


Ottorino Respighi ; [poesia di Constant Zarian]
出版情報: Milano : Ricordi, c1922
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Ottorino Respighi ; [antica poesia popolare armena di Constant Zarian]
出版情報: Milano : Ricordi, c1922
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Béla Bartók
出版情報: London : Boosey & Hawkes, c1940
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