

Serge Prokofieff
出版情報: London : Boosey & Hawkes, c1926
シリーズ名: Hawkes pocket scores
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by Johannes Brahms
出版情報: London : E. Eulenburg, [1926?]
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Paul Jeanjean
出版情報: Pari : Andrieu Freres, c1926
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; edited by Edwin Hughes
出版情報: New York : G. Schirmer, c1926
シリーズ名: Schirmer's library of musical classics ; v. 1504
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Hugo Wolf
出版情報: Leipzig : Peters, [1926]-
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Der Freund = The friend
Der Musikant = The wandering Minstrel
Verschwiegene Liebe = Silent love
Das Ständchen = The aged Minstrel
Der Soldat No. 1 = The soldier no. 1
Der Soldat No. 2 = The soldier no. 2
Die Zigeunerin = The gipsy-maid
Nachtzauber = Night's glory
Der Schreckenberger = Captain Dreadnaught
Der Glücksritter = Dame Fortune's knight
Bd. 2. Lieber alles = I'd rather
Heimweh = Longing for home
Der Scholar = The itinerant scholar
Der verzweifelte Liebhaber = The despairing lover
Unfall = Mishap
Liebesglück = The bliss of love
Seemanns Abschied = The sailor's farewell
Erwartung = Waiting
Die Nacht = Night
Waldmärchen = Forest-nymph
Der Freund = The friend
Der Musikant = The wandering Minstrel
Verschwiegene Liebe = Silent love


selected and edited with biographical notices by Alessandro Parisotti ; English translations by Theodore Baker
出版情報: New York : G. Schirmer, c1926-
シリーズ名: Schirmer's library of musical classics ; v. 290-291
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Book 1. Vittoria, mio core! : cantata = Victorious my heart is! Gian Giacomo Carissimi ; English version by H. Millard
Intorno all'idol mio : aria = Caressing mine idol's pillow Marco Antonio Cesti ; English version by Th. Baker
Che fiero costume : arietta = How void of compassion Giovanni Legrenzi ; English version by Th. Baker
Deh più a me non v'ascondete : arietta = Ah! why let me ever languish Giovanni Maria Bononcini ; English version by Th. Baker
O cessate di piagarmi : arietta = O no longer seek to pain me Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Se Florindo è fedele : arietta = Should Florindo be faithful Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Son tutta duolo : aria = Desponding, lonely Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Spesso vibra per suo gioco : canzonetta = Oft the blindfold boy Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Se tu della mia morte : aria = Would'st thou the boast of ending Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Un certo non so che : arietta = There's one, I know him not Antonio Vivaldi ; English version by Th. Baker
Pur dicesti, o bocca bella : arietta = Mouth so charmful Antonio Lotti ; English version by Th. Baker
Sebben, crudele : canzonetta = Tho' not deserving Antonio Caldara ; English version by Th. Baker
Selve amiche, ombrose piante : arietta = Kindly forest Antonio Caldara ; English version by Th. Baker
Come raggio di sol : aria = As on the swelling wave Antonio Caldara ; English version by Th. Baker
Consolati e spera! : aria = Take heart again! Domenico Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Affanni del pensier : arietta = O agonies of thought Giorgio Federico Handel ; English version by Th. Baker
Ah! mio cor : aria = Ah poor heart Giorgio Federico Handel ; English version by Th. Baker
Il mio bel foco : recitativo ed aria = My joyful ardor Benedetto Marcello ; English version by Th. Baker
Ogni pena più spietata : arietta = All of anguish most unsparing Giovanni B. Pergolesi ; English version by Th. Baker
Stizzoso, mio stizzoso : aria = Unruly, Sir, unruly? Giovanni B. Pergolesi ; English version by Th. Baker
Se tu m'ami, se sospiri = If thou lov'st me : arietta Giovanni B. Pergolesi ; English version by Th. Baker
O del mio dolce ardor : aria = O thou belov'd Cristoforo Gluck ; English version by Th. Baker
Chi vuol comprar la bella calandrina = Who will buy the beautiful canary Niccolo Jommelli ; English version by H. Millard
Ombra cara, amorosa : scena ed aria = Gentle shade, well beloved Tommaso Traetta ; English version by Th. Baker
O notte, o Dea del mistero : aria = O night, mysterious Goddess Niccolò Piccinni ; English version by Th. Baker
Chi vuol la zingarella : canzone = Who'll try the Gipsy pretty Giovanni Paisiello ; English version by Th. Baker
Nel cor più non mi sento : arietta = Why feels my heart so dormant Giovanni Paisiello : English version by Th. Baker
Il mio ben quando verrà : aria = When, my love, wilt thou return Giovanni Paisiello ; English version by Th. Baker
Plaisir d'amour = The joys of love Giovanni Martini [i.e. Johann Paul Aegidius Martini] : English version by H. Millard
Book 2. Dimmi, Amor : cantata = Tell me, Love Arcangelo Del Leuto ; English version by Th. Baker
Non posso disperar : arietta = I do not dare despond S.De Luca ; English version by Th. Baker
Vezzosette e care : villanella = Charming eyes so wary Andrea Falconieri ; English version by Th. Baker
Se bel rio : canzonetta = When the murm'ring Raffaello Rontani ; English version by Th. Baker
Amarilli, mia bella = Amarilli, my fair one : madrigal Giulio Caccini ; English version by Th. Baker
Lasciatemi morire! = No longer let me languish : canto from the opera "Ariana" Claudio Monteverde
Delizie contente, che l'alma beate = Ye blisses, that ravish : aria from the opera "Giasone" Francesco Cavalli ; English version by Th. Baker
E quando ve n'andate : scherzo = O when will ye e'er leave me Antonio Francesco Tenaglia ; English version by Th. Baker
Quando sarà quel dì : strofette = When will the day e'er be Antonio Francesco Tenaglia ; English version by Th. Baker
Tu mancavi a tormentarmi : aria = Wilt no longer thou torment me Marco Antonio Cesti ; English version by Th. Baker
Ragion sempre addita : aria = How dearly are prized Alessandro Stradella ; English version by Th. Baker
Se amor m'annoda il piède : cantata = If love my feet enchaineth Alessandro Stradella ; English version by Th. Baker
Cangia, cangia tue voglie = Change, O change thy fond wishes G.B. Fasolo ; English version by Th. Baker
Sento nel core : arietta = My heart doth languish Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Su, venite a consiglio = Hey! come hither, ye fancies : dailogue between the author and his fancies Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Già il sole dal Gange : canzonetta = O'er Ganges now launches Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
All'acquisto di gloria = To win glory : aria from the opera "Tigrane" Alessandro Scarlatti ; English version by Th. Baker
Dormi, bella, dormi tu? = Art thou sleeping, fair one? : fragment from the cantata "La Serenata" Gio. Battista Bassani ; English version by Th. Baker
Posate, dormite = Sleep on, then : fragment from the cantata "La Serenata" Gio. Battista Bassani ; English version by Th. Baker
Seguita a piangere = Mourn with temerity : fragment from the cantata "L'Amante placata" Gio Battista Bassani; English version by Th. Baker
Caro laccio, dolce nodo = Dainty meshes, net enticeful : fragment from the second cantata Francesco Gasparini ; English version by Th. Baker
Lasciar d'amarti = Love's bond to sever : fragment from the second cantata Francesco Gasparini ; English version by Th. Baker
Per la gloria d'adorarvi = For the love my heart doth prize : from the opera "Griselda" G.B. Bononcini ; English version by Th. Baker
Sen corre l'agnelletta : canzonetta = As when a lamb confiding Domenico Sarri ; English version by Th. Baker
Vergin, tutto amor : preghiera = Virgin, fount of love Francesco Durante ; English version by Th. Baker
Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile : arietta = Dance, O dance, maiden gay Francesco Durante ; English version by Th. Baker
Non m'è grave morir per amore = For my love thus to die : fragment from a cantata Benedetto Marcello ; English version by Th. Baker
M'ha preso alla sua ragna : arietta ='Tis Love that rogue so wily Pier Domenico Paradies ; English version by Th. Baker
Caro mio ben : arietta = Thou, all my bliss Giuseppe Giordani (Glordanello) ; English version by Th. Baker
Se il ciel mi divide = Since Heaven has torn me : scena and aria from the opera "Alessandro nelle Indie" Niccolò Piccinni ; English version by Th. Baker
Book 1. Vittoria, mio core! : cantata = Victorious my heart is! Gian Giacomo Carissimi ; English version by H. Millard
Intorno all'idol mio : aria = Caressing mine idol's pillow Marco Antonio Cesti ; English version by Th. Baker
Che fiero costume : arietta = How void of compassion Giovanni Legrenzi ; English version by Th. Baker


I. Philipp
出版情報: [S.l.] : G. Schirmer, c1926-c1944
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Hugo Wolf
出版情報: London ; Frankfurt ; New York : C.F. Peters, c1926
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Bd. 1. Der Genesene an die Hoffnung = The convalescent's ode to hope
Der Knabe und das Immlein = The boy and the bee
Ein Stündlein wohl vor Tag = Just ere the dawn of day
Jägerlied = Huntsman's song
Der Tambour = The drummer
Er ist's = Song to spring
Das verlassene Mägdlein = The forsaken maiden
Begegnung = The meeting
Nimmersatte Liebe = Insatiable love
Fussreise = Wandering
An eine Aeolsharfe = Ode to an aeolian harp
Verborgenheit = Secrecy
Bd. 2. Im Frühling = In the spring-time
Agnes = Agnes
Auf einer Wanderung = On my wanderings
Elfenlied = Elfin-song
Der Gärtner = The gardener
Zitronenfalter im April = Butterfly in April
Um Mitternacht = At midnight
Auf eine Christblume I = To a Christmas-rose I
Auf eine Christblume II = To a Christmas-rose II
Seufzer = A sigh
Auf ein altes Bild = On gazing at an old painting
In der Frühe = In the early morning
Bd. 3. Schlafendes Jesuskind = Sleeping Christchild
Karwoche = Holy week
Zum neuen Jahr = New year's song
Gebet = Prayer
An den Schlaf = Song to sleep
Neue Liebe = New love
Wo find' ich Trost = Where shall I find comfort
An die Geliebte = To the beloved one
Peregrina I
Peregrina II
Frage und Antwort = Question and answer
Lebe wohl = Farewell
Heimweh = Longing for home
Lied vom Winde = Song of the wind
Denk' es, o Seele = Oh soul, cinsider
Bd. 4. Der Jäger = The huntsman
Rat einer Alten = The old woman's advice
Erstes Liebeslied eines Mädchens = A maiden's first love-song
Lied eines Verliebten = A lover's song
Der Feuerreiter = The fire-rider
Nixe Binsefuss = The mermaid's song
Gesang Weyla's = Weyla's song
Die Geister am Mummelsee = The spirits of the lake
Storchenbotschaft =The stork's message
Zur Warnung = A warning
Auftrag = A message
Bei einer Trauung = At a wedding
Selbstgeständnis = Self-confession
Abschied = A farewell
Bd. 1. Der Genesene an die Hoffnung = The convalescent's ode to hope
Der Knabe und das Immlein = The boy and the bee
Ein Stündlein wohl vor Tag = Just ere the dawn of day


Hugo Wolf ; englische Übersetzung von John Bernhoff
出版情報: Frankfurt ; London ; New York : C.F. Peters, [1926?]-c1943
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Bd. 1. Der Freund = The friend
Der Musikant = The wandering minstrel
Verschwiegene Liebe = Silent love
Das Ständchen = The aged minstrel
Der Soldat no. 1 = The soldier no. 1
Der Soldat No. 2 = The soldier no. 2
Die Zigeunerin = The Gipsy-maid
Nachtzauber = Night's glory
Der Schreckenberger = Captain Dreadnaught
Der Glücksritter = Dame Fortune's knight
Bd. 2. Lieber alles = I'd rather
Heimweh = Longing for home
Der Scholar = The itinerant scholar
Der verzweifelte Liebhaber = The despairing lover
Unfall = Mishap
Liebesglück = The bliss of love
Seemanns Abschied = The sailor's farewell
Erwartung = Waiting
Die Nacht = Night
Waldmädchen = Forest-nymph
Bd. 1. Der Freund = The friend
Der Musikant = The wandering minstrel
Verschwiegene Liebe = Silent love


von Hugo Wolf
出版情報: Leipzig : C.F. Peters, [1926]
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Geistliche Lieder. Nun wandre, Maria, nun wandre nur fort = Now wander, sweet Mary, oh wander nor fear
Die ihr schwebet um diese Palmen = Ye that hovering around these palm-trees
Ach, des Knaben Augen sind mir = Ah, how fair that infant's eyes
Herr, was trägt der Boden hier = Lord, what doth the soil here bear
Weltliche Lieder. In dem Schatten meiner Locken = In the shadow of my tresses
Auf dem grünen Balkon = At her green lattice-window standing
Wenn du zu den Blumen gehst = Wouldst thou cull the fairest flower
Wer sein holdes Lieb verloren = He that knew not love
Sagt, seid Ihr es, feiner Herr = Tell me, was it you, my lord
Köpfen, Köpfen, nicht gewimmert = Darling eyes, tween dark locks peeping
Ach, im Maien war's = Spring has come
Alle gingen, Herz, zur Ruh = Now the weary rest
Bedeckt mich mit Blumen = Oh, deck me with roses
Sie blasen zum Abmarsch = The bugles are calling
Geistliche Lieder. Nun wandre, Maria, nun wandre nur fort = Now wander, sweet Mary, oh wander nor fear
Die ihr schwebet um diese Palmen = Ye that hovering around these palm-trees
Ach, des Knaben Augen sind mir = Ah, how fair that infant's eyes


Hugo Wolf
出版情報: Frankfurt am Main : C.F. Peters, c1926
シリーズ名: Edition Peters ; Nr. 3140a-3143a
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Bd. 1: Der Genesene an die Hoffnung : Tödlich graute mir der Morgen = The convalescent's ode to hope : death that morning for me wrestled
Der Knabe und das Immlein : Im Weinberg auf der Höhe = The boy and the bee : high on a vine-clad mountain
Ein Stündlein wohl vor Tag : Derweil ich schlafen lag = Just ere the dawn of day : as I in slumber lay
Jägerlied : Zierlich ist des Vogels Tritt im Schnee = Huntsman's song : daintily the bird doth tread the snow
Der Tambour : Wenn meine Mutter hexen könnt' = The drummer : if mother could a sorceress be
Er ist's : Frühling lässt sein blaues Band = Song to spring : spring doth let her colors fly
Das verlassene Mägdlein : Früh, wann die Hähne kräh'n = The forsaken maiden : when stars are shining yet
Begegnung : Was doch heut Nacht ein Sturm gewesen= The meeting : what dreadful storm last night was raging
Nimmersatte Liebe : So ist die Lieb'! = Insatiable love : for such is love!
Fußreise : Am frisch geschnitt'nen Wanderstab = Wandering : when with my new-cut walking staff
An eine Aeolsharfe : Angelehnt an die Efeuwand = Ode to an aeolian harp : sheltered well by the ivy wall
Verborgenheit : Lass, o Welt, o lass mich sein! = Secrecy : Tempt me not, o world, again!
Bd. 2: Im Frühling : Hier lieg'ich auf dem Frühlingshügel = In the spring-time : here on a hill in spring
Agnes : Rosenzeit! wie schnell vorbei = Agnes : month of roses past art thou
Auf einer Wanderung : In ein freundliches Städtchen tret'ich ein = On my wanderings : to a quaint little town
Elfenlied : Bei Nacht im Dorf der Wächter rief = Elfin-song : elev'n o'clock the watchman cries
Der Gärtner : Auf ihrem Leibrösslein = The gardener : upon her white steed
Zitronenfalter im April : Grausame Frühlingssonne= Butterfly in April : oh cruel sun
Um Mitternacht : Gelassen stieg die Nacht = At midnight : the night did come with calm serene
Auf eine Christblume I : Tochter des Wald's = To a Christmas-rose I : maid of the woods
Auf eine Christblume II : Im Winterboden schläft= To a Christmas-rose II : a flower chaste doth sleep
Seufzer : Dein Liebesfeuer, ach Herr! = A sigh : thy love so holy, oh lord!
Auf ein altes Bild : In grüner Landschaft Sommerflor = On gazing at an old painting : here where the reeds
In der Frühe : Kein Schlaf noch kühlt das Auge mir = In the early morning : no sleep hath cooled
Bd. 3: Schlafendes Jesuskind : Sohn der Jungfrau, Himmelskind! = Sleeping Christchild : blessed virgin's heav'nly child!
Karwoche : O Woche, Zeugin heiliger Beschwerde! = Holy week : o witness, holy week, of so much sorrow!
Zum neuen Jahr : Wie heimlicher Weise = New year's song : as angels descending
Gebet : Herr! schicke was du willt = Prayer : lord, send what thou deem'st best
An den Schlaf : Schlaf! süßer Schlaf! = Song to sleep : sleep! sweetest sleep!
Neue Liebe : Kann auch ein Mensch = New love : can mortals two
Wo find' ich Trost : Eine Liebe kenn' ich = Where shall I find comfort : there's a love I know
An die Geliebte : Wenn ich, von deinem Anschau'n tief gestillt = To the beloved one : When e'er I gaze, beloved, on thy face
Peregrina I : Der Spiegel dieser treuen, braunen Augen = Peregrina I : the glance within thy wondrous eyes
Peregrina II : Warum, Geliebte, denk' ich dein = Peregrina II : wherefore, beloved, is my mind so full
Frage und Antwort : Fragst du mich = Question and answer : dost thou ask me
Lebe wohl : "Lebe wohl!"Du fühlest nicht = Farewell : "fare thee well", thou dost not know
Heimweh : Anders wird die Welt = Longing for home : stranger doth the world
Lied vom Winde : Sausewind, Brausewind! = Song of the wind : rushing wind, blust'ring wind
Denk' es, o Seele : Ein Tännlein grünet = Oh soul, consider : a little fir-tree grows
Bd. 4: Der Jäger : Drei Tage Regen fort und fort = The huntsman : for three long days
Rat einer Alten : Bin jung gewesen = The old woman's advice : I too was young once
Erstes Liebeslied eines Mädchens : Was im Netze? = A maiden's first love-song : is my net full?
Lied eines Verliebten : In aller Früh = A lover's song : quite early yet
Der Feuerreiter : Seher ihr am Fensterlein dort = The fire-rider : see ye at yon window small
Nixe Binsefuß : Des Wassermanns sein Töchterlein = The mermaid's song : the daughter of the watersprite
Gesang Weyla's : Du bist Orplid = Weyla's song : hail sacred isle
Die Geister am Mummelsee : Vom Berge was kommt dort = The spirits of the lake : what is this procession
Storchenbotschaft : Des Schäfers sein Haus =The stork's message : up high in the moors
Zur Warnung : Einmal nach einer lustigen Nacht = A warning : one morn, after a jovial night
Auftrag : In poetischer Epistel = A message : in a letter he thought funny
Bei einer Trauung : Vor lauter hochadligen Zeugen = At a wedding : before a most noble assembly
Selbstgeständnis : Ich bin meiner Mutter = Self-confession : I am mother's only child
Abschied : Unangeklopft ein Herr tritt = A farewell : One ev'ning unannounced
Bd. 1: Der Genesene an die Hoffnung : Tödlich graute mir der Morgen = The convalescent's ode to hope : death that morning for me wrestled
Der Knabe und das Immlein : Im Weinberg auf der Höhe = The boy and the bee : high on a vine-clad mountain
Ein Stündlein wohl vor Tag : Derweil ich schlafen lag = Just ere the dawn of day : as I in slumber lay