

Jacob Handl (Gallus) ; bearbeitet von Paul Amadeus Pisk
出版情報: Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1960
シリーズ名: Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich ; Jahrg. 42/1-Bd. 78
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Missa super "Elisabethae impletum est tempus" : 8 vocum
Missa super "Casta novenarum" : 8 vocum
Missa super "Im Mayen" : 5 vocum
Missa super "Ich stund an einem Morgen" : 5 vocum
Missa super "Ob ich schon arm und elend bin" : 4 vocum
Missa super "Un gay bergier" : 4 vocum
J. V. B. (Jost V. Brand) : "Ob ich schon arm und elend bin"
Tabulatur super "Im Mayen"
Tabulatur super "Ob ich schon arm und elend bin"
Tabulatur super "Un gay bergier"
Missa super "Elisabethae impletum est tempus" : 8 vocum
Missa super "Casta novenarum" : 8 vocum
Missa super "Im Mayen" : 5 vocum


Nicolaus Zangius ; bearbeitet von Hans Sachs ; Textrevision von Anton Pfalz
出版情報: Graz ; Wien : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1969
シリーズ名: Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich ; Bd. 87
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Arnold von Bruck ; veröffentlicht von Othmar Wessely
出版情報: Graz ; Wien : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1961
シリーズ名: Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich ; Bd. 99
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Motette zu zwei Stimmen. Grates nunc omnes
Motetten zu drei Stimmen. Grates nunc omnes
Quomodo miseretur pater filiorum
Virgo prudentissima
Motetten zu vier Stimmen. Adesto nunc ecclesiae
Audi benigne conditor
Da pacem Domine
Deus misereatur nostri
Dies irae
Gloria, laus, et honor
Grates nunc omnes
Jesu, quadragenariae
Laudate Dominum
O crux, ave
Pater noster
De Deum laudamus
Motetten zu fünf Stimmen. Ascendo ad Patrem
In civitate Domini
Motette zu sechs Stimmen. Fortitudo Dei regnantis
Andere unedierte Werke. O almechtiger Got
Alls von Got
Alls von Gott
Anhang. Antoine de Févin: Sancta Trinitas unus Deus
Arnoldus: Pater peccavi
Caspar Copus: Salve Regina
Motette zu zwei Stimmen. Grates nunc omnes
Motetten zu drei Stimmen. Grates nunc omnes


by Karl Gustav Fellerer ; [introduction] English translation by Robert Kolben
出版情報: Köln : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A., Leeds Music Corp., 1965
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 28
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Pater noster Jacob Obrecht
Introitus: Justus ut palma Heinrich Isaac
Adieu mes amours Josquin des Prez
O bone Jesu Loyset Compère
Quodlibet : fürt jede stimm jr eygen Text Matthias Greiter
O Crux, ave, spes unica Cristobal de Morales
Ave Regina coelorum Adrian Willaert
Praestet hoc nati genitor Pierluigi da Palestrina
Ne timeas Maria Thomas Ludovico Victoria
Salvos nos fac domine : (responsorium pro populi christiani unione) Jacobus de Kerle
Gressus meos dirige : (Offetorium in Sabbato post Dominicam III Quadragesimae) Orlandus Lassus
Noe, Noe, dies est laetitiae Jean de Castro
Viderunt omnes fines : (In nativitate Domini) William Byrd
Sortez regretz Philippe de Monte
Madrigal "Piangea cantando" Pietro Antonio Bianco
Pater noster Jacob Obrecht
Introitus: Justus ut palma Heinrich Isaac
Adieu mes amours Josquin des Prez


by Richard Jakoby ; [prefatory matter] English translation by Robert Kolben
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , New York : Sole distributors for the U.S.A.: Leeds Music Corp., 1968
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 32
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Aria, Arde il mio petto Giulio Caccini
Solo madrigal, Amarilli mia bella Giulio Caccini
Concerto ecclesiastico, Exaudi me, Domine Lodovico Grossi da Viadana
Chamber cantata, Io lo vedo Luigi Rossi
Tra pellegrine piante Anonymous
Chamber duet, Occhi, perchè piangete? Agostino Steffani
Lascia, deh lascia Alessandro Scarlatti
Titano all'inferno Antonio Caldara
Cantata IV : Orfeo Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Aria, Auf, mein Geist Heinrich Albert
Adonis Tod bringt mich in Not Adam Krieger
Wende dich, Herr Andreas Hammerschmidt
Gegrüsset seist du, Holdselige! Matthias Weckmann
Wie soll ich dich empfangen Dietrich Buxtehude
Duetto II : Conservate, raddoppiate George Frederick Handel
La musette Nicolas Clérambault
Ich war dem Tropfen Gegenwart entronnen Friedrich Heinrich Himmel
Aria, Arde il mio petto Giulio Caccini
Solo madrigal, Amarilli mia bella Giulio Caccini
Concerto ecclesiastico, Exaudi me, Domine Lodovico Grossi da Viadana


with a historical introduction by Ernest T. Ferand
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , Sole distributors for the U.S.A.: MCA Music, c1961
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 12
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Gregorian chant: Gradual verses "Domine refugium" and "Ad annuntiandum"
Franciscan Lauda "Laudiamo Jesu" (a 2)
Song of praise to the Virgin "Virgene benedeta" (a 2)
Ambrosian lamentation chants "Domine miserere" and "De profundis" (a 2)
Kyrie for a keyboard instrument (a 2)
Sacred song "Ubi caritas et amor" (a 3)
English discant "In te Domine speravi" (a 3)
Pentecost hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus" (a 3) G. Binchois
Frottola (Justiniana) "Aime sospiri" (a 3) Anonymous
Song "Nach willen dein" (a 4) P. Hofhaimer ; for organ by H. Kotter and by Anonymous, for lute by H. Newsidler
Chanson "Doulce memoire" (a 4) P. Sandrin ; with four recercate for violone by D. Ortiz ; for viola bastarda by V. Bonizzi
Madrigal "Lasciar il velo" (a 4) F. de Layolle ; with diminutions by G.C. Maffei
Madrigal "Tanto mi piacque" (a 4) C. de Rore ; with diminutions by G. dalla Casa
Madrigal "Signor mio caro" (a 4) C. de Rore ; with diminutions by G. dalla Casa and G. Bassano ; for viola bastarda by O. Bassani
"Colored" motet "Te maneat semper" (a 4) Hermann Finck
"A mente" counterpoints (a 3) G. Zarlino
Extempore canons (a 3) S. Calvisius
Introit of the mass for Christmas day (a 5) H. Chamaterò di Negri
Fantasia for clavichord Tomás de Sancta Maria
Canzone for four instruments, and embellished for organ C. Merulo
Sacred concerto "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr" : for two sopranos and bass, with continuo M. Praetorius
Solo motet "O admirabile commercium" : for soprano or tenor with continuo I. Donati ; unembellished version of the same composition by J.A. Herbst
Sacred duet "Hertzlich lieb hab ich dich" : for two sopranos with figured bass T. Michael
Air de cour "N'éspérez plus, mes yeux" (a 4) A. de Boësset ; diminutions by A. or E. Moulinié, H. le Bailly, and Boësset
Sacred song "O that mine eyes" : for solo voice with unfigured bass T. Brewer
Chorale prelude "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr" : for organ Joh. Christoph Bach
Adagio for violin and continuo A. Corelli
Arietta "Son un certo spiritello" : with realized continuo Anonymous
Execution of a thorough-bass J.D. Heinichen
Chamber duet "Sempre piango" : for two altos and continuo G.B. Bononcini ; with embellishments by C.A. Benati
Chamber duet "Son io, barbara donna" : for soprano and alto with continuo F. Durante ; embellished version for two sopranos
Adagio for harpsichord (embellished) J.S. Bach ; transcribed from an Oboe concerto by Alessandro Marcello
Largo for harpsichord (embellished) and orchestra, transcribed from the sinfonia of the Cantata "Ich steh' mit einem Fuß im Grabe" J.S. Bach
Adagio "in the Italian style" : for flute and thorough-bass J.J. Quantz
Sonata for violin and through-bass (1st and 3rd movements) F. Benda
Aria "Vom Dienst der Creatur verlassen" with free variation J.A. Hiller
Sonata for clavier with varied reprises C.P.E. Bach
Free fantasy for clavier C.P.E. Bach
Capriccio for the piano K. Czerny
Gregorian chant: Gradual verses "Domine refugium" and "Ad annuntiandum"
Franciscan Lauda "Laudiamo Jesu" (a 2)
Song of praise to the Virgin "Virgene benedeta" (a 2)


Joseph Kronsteiner
出版情報: Wien : Lidwog Doblinger, c1965
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Anton Heiller
出版情報: Wien : Ludwig Doblinger, c1966
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Heinrich Schütz ; herausgegeben von Hans Hoffmann ; Generalbaß-Bearbeitung von Fritz Dietrich
出版情報: Kassel : Bärenreiter, c1963
シリーズ名: Kleine geistliche Konzerte = Small sacred concertos / Heinrich Schütz ; Heft 2
Bärenreiter-Ausgabe ; 1702
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Heinrich Schütz ; herausgegeben von Wilhelm Ehmann ; Generalbaß-Bearbeitung von Johannes H.E. Koch
出版情報: Kassel : Bärenreiter, c1963
シリーズ名: Kleine geistliche Konzerte = Small sacred concertos / Heinrich Schütz ; Heft 7
Bärenreiter-Ausgabe ; 1705
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