

New York Philharmonic ; Maazel, Lorin, 1930- ; Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 ; Dvořák, Antonín, 1841-1904 ; Gershwin, George, 1898-1937 ; Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875 ; Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990
出版情報: [Japan] : King International, 2008
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目次情報: 続きを見る
National Anthem of the Democratic people's republic of Korea
National Anthem of the United States of America
Lohengrin : prelude to act III
Symphony no. 9 in e minor, op. 95, from the new world
An American in Paris
Farandole from L'Arlesienne suite no. 2
Candide : overture
National Anthem of the Democratic people's republic of Korea
National Anthem of the United States of America
Lohengrin : prelude to act III


マーラー ; ズービン・メータ指揮
出版情報: [ハンブルグ] : Teldec Classics International , [東京] : ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン, c2000
シリーズ名: Warner classics best 100 ; [20]
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交響曲第5番 嬰ハ短調 = Symphony no. 5 in c sharp minor
交響曲第5番 嬰ハ短調 = Symphony no. 5 in c sharp minor


Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901 ; Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826 ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791 ; Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 ; Strauss, Johann, 1825-1899 ; Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949 ; Chabrier, Emmanuel, 1841-1894 ; New York Philharmonic ; Berliner Philharmoniker ; Wiener Philharmoniker ; Concertgebouworkest ; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ; Philadelphia Orchestra ; Orchestre des concerts Colonne ; Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957 ; Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 1886-1954 ; Walter, Bruno, 1876-1962 ; Mengelberg, Willem, 1871-1951 ; Weingartner, Felix, 1863-1942 ; Stokowski, Leopold, 1882-1977 ; Pierné, Gabriel, 1863-1937
出版情報: [東京] : 音楽之友社, p2000
シリーズ名: あらえびすSP名曲決定盤 ; 1
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目次情報: 続きを見る
歌劇「椿姫」第1幕前奏曲 = "La traviata". Prelude to act 1 ヴェルディ
歌劇「椿姫」第3幕前奏曲 = "La traviata". Prelude to act 3
歌劇「魔弾の射手」序曲 = "Der Freischütz". Overture, op. 77 ウェーバー
セレナード第13番ト長調K.525「アイネ・クライネ・ナハトムジーク」 = Eine kleine Nachtmusik : in g major, KV. 525 モーツァルト
「エグモント」序曲作品84 = "Egmont" Overture, op. 84 ベートーヴェン
ワルツ「美しき青きドナウ」作品314 = An der shönen, blauen Donau, op. 314 J.シュトラウス2世
舞踏への勧誘作品65 = Aufforderung zum Tanz, op. 65 = Invitation to the dance ウェーバー=ストコフスキ
サロメの踊り(7枚のヴェールの踊り) : 歌劇「サロメ」より = Salome, op. 54. Salomes Tanz : (Dance of the seven veils) R.シュトラウス
狂詩曲「スペイン」 = España シャブリエ
歌劇「椿姫」第1幕前奏曲 = "La traviata". Prelude to act 1 ヴェルディ
歌劇「椿姫」第3幕前奏曲 = "La traviata". Prelude to act 3
歌劇「魔弾の射手」序曲 = "Der Freischütz". Overture, op. 77 ウェーバー


Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990 ; New York Philharmonic
出版情報: West Long Branch, N.J. :Unitel edition, 2018
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Vol1:Disc 1. What does music mean? What is American music?
DVD 2. What is orchestration? What makes music symphonic?
DVD3. What is classical music? Humor in music
DVD 4. What is a concerto? Who is Gustav Mahler? Folk music in the concert hall
DVD 5. What is Impressionism? Happy Birthday, Igor Stravinsky. What is Melody?
DVD 6. The Latin American spirit. Jazz in the concert hall
DVD 7. 3episodes of young perfomers, featuring amang others Seiji Ozawa and Lynn Harrell
Vol2 : DVD1: The episodes are: A Tribute to Sibelius
DVD2: Musical Atoms: A Study of Intervals : The Sound of an Orchestra
DVD3: What Is a Mode? : A Toast to Vienna in 3/4 Time : Quiz-Concert: How Musical Are You?
DVD4: Berlioz Takes a Trip : Two Ballet Birds : Fidelio: A Celebration of Life
DVD5: Unusual Instruments of the Present, Past & Future : Overtures and Preludes : Aaron Copland Birthday Party
DVD6: 3episodes of young perfomers : featuring Claudio Abbado and André Watts
Vol1:Disc 1. What does music mean? What is American music?
DVD 2. What is orchestration? What makes music symphonic?
DVD3. What is classical music? Humor in music