

ハバカク著 ; 川北稔訳
出版情報: 東京 : 未来社, 1967.5
シリーズ名: 社会科学ゼミナール ; 41
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by John Habakkuk
出版情報: Oxford, England : Clarendon Press , New York ; Tokyo : Oxford University Press, c1994
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edited by E.E. Rich and C.H. Wilson
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1967
シリーズ名: The Cambridge economic history of Europe / general editors, M.M. Postan, D.C. Coleman and H.J. Habakkuk ; v. 4
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general editors, M.M. Postan, D.C. Coleman and H.J. Habakkuk
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
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増田冨壽, 中川敬一郎編
出版情報: 東京 : 一條書店, 1968.5
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目次情報: 続きを見る
"近代化"問題の省察 : 戦後史学史への一視角 = A consideration of the problem of "Modernization" 越智武臣 [執筆]
Economic growth : myth of reality : the interrelatedness of continents and the diffusion of technology, 1869-1960 William Woodruff, Helga Woodruff [執筆]
幕末畿内農村における"国訴"の性格 : 文政6・7年の"国訴"を中心として = On the nature of legal proceedings in court as found in villages of the five home provinces in the latter days of the Shogunate 入交好脩 [執筆]
高島炭坑とジャーディン=マジスン商会 : 明治初期における外国資本の企業者活動 = The Takashima Mine and Jardine, Matheson & Co. : the activity of entrepreneurs with foreign capital in the early Meiji era 服部一馬 [執筆]
明治初期の地方産業における流通と信用 = Trade and credit in local industry in the early Meiji era 正田健一郎 [執筆]
明治初期"経済学"の一考察 : 若山儀一の場合 = Study of "Economics" in the early Meiji period : the case of Giichi Wakayama 島崎隆夫 [執筆]
Economic development and English politics in the Nineteenth Century H. J. Habakkuk [執筆]
イギリス資本主義確立期の機械輸出問題 = The problem of machine exportation at the time of the esablishment of capitalism in England 吉岡昭彦 [執筆]
イギリス産業革命期の機械工業企業 : ネイスミスの企業者活動 = James Nasmyth, an entrepreneur in mechanical engineering in Nineteenth-Century Britain 角山栄 [執筆]
"アメリカの侵略"とイギリス産業 = "American invasion" and Britain industry 荒井政治 [執筆]
工業化とイギリス農業 = Industrialization and agriculture in England 渡辺國広 [執筆]
18世紀前半におけるイギリス農業の展開と経済成長 = The development of agriculture and growth in England in the first half of the Eighteenth Century 金宗炫 [執筆]
"ハイ・ファーミング"の生産力的基礎 = The productive basis of "High farming" 椎名重明 [執筆]
イギリスにおけるインクロウジャ研究の背景 = The background of the study of enclosures in England 米川伸一 [執筆]
ロシヤ資本主義の後進性の原因について : アブラモフの見解 = On the causes of retardation of capitalism in Russia : the views of A. Abramov 増田冨壽 [執筆]
アメリカ的生産方式と大量販売制度 = Mass production and mass marketing as an American system 鳥羽欽一郎 [執筆]
移民労働者とオオストラリアの近代化 = Modernization of Australia and the migrant labourer 琴野孝 [執筆]
サクソン村落 : サットン・コーテネー(バークシャー)における故リーズ氏の発掘を中心として = The Saxon village : with the excavations by the late Professor E. T. Leeds in Sutton Countenay, Berkshire, as the main theme 黒須徹 [執筆]
いわゆる"中世初期農業革命"について = On the so-called agricultural revolution of the early Middle ages 野崎直治 [執筆]
Legal status and economic condition in Medieval villages M. M. Postan [執筆]
13世紀イングランドの人口と農村 = The population increase and structural changes of villages in Thirteen-Century England 松村平一郎 [執筆]
中世スペイン回教都市の一般構造 = General structure of Mohammedan cities in Medieval Spain 近藤仁之 [執筆]
"近代化"問題の省察 : 戦後史学史への一視角 = A consideration of the problem of "Modernization" 越智武臣 [執筆]
Economic growth : myth of reality : the interrelatedness of continents and the diffusion of technology, 1869-1960 William Woodruff, Helga Woodruff [執筆]
幕末畿内農村における"国訴"の性格 : 文政6・7年の"国訴"を中心として = On the nature of legal proceedings in court as found in villages of the five home provinces in the latter days of the Shogunate 入交好脩 [執筆]


edited by F.M.L. Thompson
出版情報: Oxford : Clarendon Press , New York ; Tokyo : Oxford University Press, 1994
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目次情報: 続きを見る
H.J. Habakkuk, a bibliography
Introduction F.M.L. Thompson
English and French landowners, 1688-1789 P.K. O'Brien and D. Heath
A world elsewhere J.R.T. Hughes
The decline of the small landowner in England and Wales, 1660-1900 J.V. Beckett
Henry Hoare, banker, his family and the Stourhead estate C.G.A. Clay
Business and landed élites in the nineteenth century F.M.L. Thompson
Men, women, and property R.J. Morris
Entrepreneurship and public inquiry R.M. Hartwell
Colonies and capital P.J. Cain
International capital movements and the gold standard C. Knick Harley
Labour scarcity and capital markets in America Peter Temin
The reaper and the robot Paul A. David
H.J. Habakkuk, a bibliography
Introduction F.M.L. Thompson
English and French landowners, 1688-1789 P.K. O'Brien and D. Heath


edited by H.J. Habakkuk and M. Postan
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1965
シリーズ名: The Cambridge economic history of Europe / general editors, M.M. Postan, D.C. Coleman and H.J. Habakkuk ; v. 6
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