

Benjamin Britten
出版情報: [Tokyo] : Pioneer, [19--]
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出版情報: [出版地不明] : パイオニアLDC (発売), [19--]
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レオシュ・ヤナーチェク ; アレクサンドル・オストロフスキー, 原作 ; レオンシュ・ヤナーチェク, 台本 ; バリー・マコーリー[ほか], テノール ; フェリシティ・パーマー, ナンシー・ガスタフソン, ソプラノ ; ルイーズ・ウィンター, メッゾ・ソプラノ ; ロンドン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 ; アンドルー・デイヴィス, 指揮 ; グラインドボーン音楽祭合唱団 ; アイヴォア・ボルトン, 合唱指揮
出版情報: 東京 : BMGビクター (発売), c1988
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George Frideric Handel
出版情報: [France] : Erato, p1989 , Tokyo : Victor
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目次情報: 続きを見る
CD 1: 1. Sinfony
2. Accompagnato(Tenor) : Comfort ye my people
3. Aria(Tenor): ev'ry valley shall be exalted
4. Chorus: And the glory of the Lord
5. Accompagnato(Basse): Thus saith the Lord
6. Aria(Alto): But who may abide
7. Chorus: And he shall purify the sons of Levi
8. Recitativo(Alto): Behold a virgin shall conceive
9. Aria(Alto): O thou that tellest
10. Chorus: O thou that tellest
[6 music of others]
CD 2: 1. Aria(Soprano): Rejoice greatly
2. Recitativo(Alto): Then shall the eyes of blind
3. Aria(Soprano,Alto): He shall feed his flock
4. Chorus: His yoke is easy
5. Chorus: Behold the lamb of god
6. Aria(Alto) : He was despised and rejected of men
7. Chorus: surely He hath borne our griefs
8. Chorus: And withz his stripes we are healed
9. Chorus: All we like sheep have gone astray
10. Accompagnato(Tenor): All they that see Him
[9 music of others]
CD 3: 1. Chorus The Lord gave the word
2. Aria(Soprano): How beautiful are the feet
3. Arioso(Tenor): Their sound is gone out
4. Aria(Basse): Why do the nations
5. Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder
6. Recitativo(Tenor): He that dwelleth in heaven
7. Aria(Tenor): Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron
8. Chorus: Hallelujah
9. Aria(Soprano): I know that my redeemer liveth
10. Chorus: Since by man came death
CD 1: 1. Sinfony
2. Accompagnato(Tenor) : Comfort ye my people
3. Aria(Tenor): ev'ry valley shall be exalted