

Claudio Monteverdi ; bearbeitet und übersetzt von Hans Joachim Moser ; Textunterlegung, Einrichtung und Generalbaß-Aussetzung von Traugott Fedtke
出版情報: Kassel : Bärenreiter, c1961
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with a historical introduction by Ernest T. Ferand
出版情報: Cologne : A. Volk Verlag , Sole distributors for the U.S.A.: MCA Music, c1961
シリーズ名: Anthology of music : a collection of complete musical examples illustrating the history of music ; no. 12
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Gregorian chant: Gradual verses "Domine refugium" and "Ad annuntiandum"
Franciscan Lauda "Laudiamo Jesu" (a 2)
Song of praise to the Virgin "Virgene benedeta" (a 2)
Ambrosian lamentation chants "Domine miserere" and "De profundis" (a 2)
Kyrie for a keyboard instrument (a 2)
Sacred song "Ubi caritas et amor" (a 3)
English discant "In te Domine speravi" (a 3)
Pentecost hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus" (a 3) G. Binchois
Frottola (Justiniana) "Aime sospiri" (a 3) Anonymous
Song "Nach willen dein" (a 4) P. Hofhaimer ; for organ by H. Kotter and by Anonymous, for lute by H. Newsidler
Chanson "Doulce memoire" (a 4) P. Sandrin ; with four recercate for violone by D. Ortiz ; for viola bastarda by V. Bonizzi
Madrigal "Lasciar il velo" (a 4) F. de Layolle ; with diminutions by G.C. Maffei
Madrigal "Tanto mi piacque" (a 4) C. de Rore ; with diminutions by G. dalla Casa
Madrigal "Signor mio caro" (a 4) C. de Rore ; with diminutions by G. dalla Casa and G. Bassano ; for viola bastarda by O. Bassani
"Colored" motet "Te maneat semper" (a 4) Hermann Finck
"A mente" counterpoints (a 3) G. Zarlino
Extempore canons (a 3) S. Calvisius
Introit of the mass for Christmas day (a 5) H. Chamaterò di Negri
Fantasia for clavichord Tomás de Sancta Maria
Canzone for four instruments, and embellished for organ C. Merulo
Sacred concerto "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr" : for two sopranos and bass, with continuo M. Praetorius
Solo motet "O admirabile commercium" : for soprano or tenor with continuo I. Donati ; unembellished version of the same composition by J.A. Herbst
Sacred duet "Hertzlich lieb hab ich dich" : for two sopranos with figured bass T. Michael
Air de cour "N'éspérez plus, mes yeux" (a 4) A. de Boësset ; diminutions by A. or E. Moulinié, H. le Bailly, and Boësset
Sacred song "O that mine eyes" : for solo voice with unfigured bass T. Brewer
Chorale prelude "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr" : for organ Joh. Christoph Bach
Adagio for violin and continuo A. Corelli
Arietta "Son un certo spiritello" : with realized continuo Anonymous
Execution of a thorough-bass J.D. Heinichen
Chamber duet "Sempre piango" : for two altos and continuo G.B. Bononcini ; with embellishments by C.A. Benati
Chamber duet "Son io, barbara donna" : for soprano and alto with continuo F. Durante ; embellished version for two sopranos
Adagio for harpsichord (embellished) J.S. Bach ; transcribed from an Oboe concerto by Alessandro Marcello
Largo for harpsichord (embellished) and orchestra, transcribed from the sinfonia of the Cantata "Ich steh' mit einem Fuß im Grabe" J.S. Bach
Adagio "in the Italian style" : for flute and thorough-bass J.J. Quantz
Sonata for violin and through-bass (1st and 3rd movements) F. Benda
Aria "Vom Dienst der Creatur verlassen" with free variation J.A. Hiller
Sonata for clavier with varied reprises C.P.E. Bach
Free fantasy for clavier C.P.E. Bach
Capriccio for the piano K. Czerny
Gregorian chant: Gradual verses "Domine refugium" and "Ad annuntiandum"
Franciscan Lauda "Laudiamo Jesu" (a 2)
Song of praise to the Virgin "Virgene benedeta" (a 2)


von Mantuaner Komponisten ; herausgegeben von Denis Arnold
出版情報: Wolfenbüttel : Möseler, c1961
シリーズ名: Das Chorwerk ; Heft 80
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Solo e pensoso : 5stimmig ; seconda parte: Sicch' io mi credo Giaches de Wert
Misera! non credea, 5stimmig ; seconda parte: Ma che? squallido escuro Giaches de Wert
Cruda Amarilli : 5stimmig ; seconda parte: Ma grideran per me Benedetto Pallavicino
Mentre l'un polo : 8stimmig Alessandro Striggio d.A.
Solo e pensoso : 5stimmig ; seconda parte: Sicch' io mi credo Giaches de Wert
Misera! non credea, 5stimmig ; seconda parte: Ma che? squallido escuro Giaches de Wert
Cruda Amarilli : 5stimmig ; seconda parte: Ma grideran per me Benedetto Pallavicino


Haydn ; 井口基成編集校訂
出版情報: 東京 : 春秋社, 1961.3
シリーズ名: 世界音楽全集 ; . ハイドン集||ハイドン シュウ
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Sonate, E-dur
Sonate, G-dur
Sonate, Es-dur
Sonate, h-moll
Sonate, e-moll
Sonate, C-dur
Sonate, cis-moll
Sonate, D-dur
Sonate, E-dur
Sonate, G-dur
Sonate, Es-dur


Gaetano Donizetti ; [revisione di] R. Mingardo
出版情報: Milano : Ricordi, c1961
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Vol. 1. Da collezione di canzonette. Eterno amore e fè
Sull'onda tremula
Da Ricordi napoletani. Il pescatore (ballata)
La ninna-nanna (ballata)
Lu tradimiento (postuma)
Da nuits d'été à Posillipo. Il barcaiolo (barcarola)
A mezzanotte (arietta)
La conocchia (canzone napoletana)
Le crépuscule (texto franc.-it.) (romanza)
3 ariette. La lontananza
Amore e morte
Me voglio fà 'na casa (canzone napoletana)
Vol. 2. Da Ispirazioni viennsei. La zingara
Il sospiro
È morta
Da Matinée musicale. Una lacrima (preghiera)
La corrispondenza amorosa
7 arie. Meine Liebe (testo ted.-it.)
La sultana
La dernière nuit d'un novice (testo franc.-it.)
Ah! rammenta, o bella Irene (cavatina)
La mère et l'enfant (testo francese)
Ne ornerà la bruna chioma (scena e cavatina)
L'amour funesto (romanza)
Vol. 1. Da collezione di canzonette. Eterno amore e fè
Sull'onda tremula
Da Ricordi napoletani. Il pescatore (ballata)