Personnel administration : a point of view and a method. 5th ed.
- フォーマット:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- Paul Pigors and Charles A. Myers
- 言語:
- 英語
- 出版情報:
- Tokyo : Kōgakusha, c1965
- 形態:
- v, 837 p. ; 24 cm
- 著者名:
- 書誌ID:
- TK00213232
- (: pbk)
McGraw-Hill |
日本生産性本部 |
McGraw-Hill Kogakusha |
American Council on Education |
McGraw-Hill |
Ronald Press |
McGraw-Hill |
Learning Systems Co., a division of R.D. Irwin |
American Management Association | |
M.I.T. Press |
published for the National Book League by the Cambridge University Press |